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quest は、建築デザイン事務所として幅広いサービスを提供しています。弊社の目標は、ブランドの認知度向上、売れる空間づくり、ブランド企画とコンセプト設計、持続可能な建築の実現です。建築設計、ブランディング、コミュニケーションデザイン、不動産など、お客様のニーズに合わせたソリューションをご提供します。

About quest

quest is an architectural design firm offering a wide range of services. Our goals are to increase brand awareness, create spaces that sell, brand planning and concept design, and sustainable architecture. We offer tailored solutions in architectural design, branding, communication design, and real estate.


What we do



quest は、建築の初期のリサーチ、コンセプト設計、既存の建築の分析、プロジェクトマネジメントを行い、お客様の希望する建築プロジェクトを企画・立案から設計・実装まで実現いたします。私たちはプロジェクト時にデザインのスペシャリストとして協働いたします。クライアントのお困りごと、専門用語やデザインの解決策について、弊社が最適な案、予算、持続可能な選択肢を制作し、クライアントのビジネスの成長に貢献します。

Our work

quest conducts initial architectural research, conceptual design, analysis of existing architecture, and project management to realize your desired architectural project from conception to design and implementation. We work together as design specialists during the project. We will work with you to identify the best solutions to your problems, terminology, and design solutions to help you grow your business by creating the most appropriate, cost-effective, and sustainable options.

アンカー 3

Professional network




Architectural Projects for a New Era

Architecture is now in an era of transcending disciplinary boundaries. For example, in architecture in brand declaration, the question is where and what kind of materials the client's architecture will use and what kind of brand declaration will be expressed in the space. This is not limited to simply “creating cool architecture” as it has been in the past. Wherever architecture is created, new challenges are being asked, especially keywords such as circular economy, recycling, and sustainability. How do we set the strategy and vision for a company's brand, and how do we respond to growth and change? We work with our clients to realize their vision of the future together, keeping in mind the future success of their brand in architecture, interiors, and the environment. There is still no limit to what a country, city, company, or brand can do.

Image by Yoann Boyer
Image by Armand Khoury








地球環境について考える時代に生きています。建築を語る、つくる、なおす上では、最もディスカッション、分析、リサーチが必要であり、プロジェクトではエンジニア、コンサルタント等、スキルフルなチームをつくる、建築開発におけるパートナーシップが求められます。Emotional Architecture, 心を動かす建築空間とは?を実現いたします。

Architecture in the Urban Environment

Architecture is an essential part of the human environment. In the past, architecture in the 20th century was established as a shell or mass, i.e., a building, and if a box was made, it was considered to be architecture.

Today, with the advent of AI, anyone can freely give shape to his or her image. Functions in architecture are also becoming digitalized, global warming, energy needs, and the roles and possibilities that architecture should take on are expanding every day. Numerous decisions have to be made, talking about its advantages, disadvantages, and responsibilities.

On the other hand, how do we renovate and reuse the buildings and cultural heritage we have inherited from our predecessors, or rebuild them, or connect the new with the old and put in new programs? And how should we interpret the materials and laws to build them? There is also the discussion of.


We would also raise questions and opinions about 3D printer architecture and easy architecture. We are

live in an age when we are thinking about the global environment. The most discussion, analysis, and research is needed to talk about, create, and rework architecture, and projects require partnerships in architectural development to create skilled teams of engineers, consultants, and other professionals.

Emotional Architecture, What is an architectural space that moves the heart? We will realize with you.

Image by Maxim Tolchinskiy
Image by Hudson Hintze
Image by Andrew Neel
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